Bot Controll Remotely

I would like to deploy a bot in a particular laptop/PC, can I control that bot remotely from my system?
I would like to remotely make the bot active or deactivate it upon my need.
Can I also make changes to the bot’s workflow remotely from my system?


You mean want to connect to BOT machine through Citrix or RDP ?

I don’t know how this can be done…
I want to control a bot deployed at a system from my system remotely, can this be done some how?
Will orchestrator be of any use here?


Yes. By using Orchestrator we can schedule, Monitor, Control our BOTS… And also along with these we have lot many advantages.

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can we also make cahnges to bots remotely with the orchestrator?


Changes in the sense want to make new changes in the process ?

If yes then its not possible.

yes, to make changes in the workflow.


Its not possible with Orchestrator.

You need to copy the code into machine where UIPath studio was installed and make changes in the workflows and publish back into that Robot machine.

ok, so what i understand is changes need to be done in the studio, and can be published with the help of orchestrator.
Now this updated bot will run in the remote system when I publish it in the orchestrator?


Yes, Exactly.

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ok, and one last thing, both attended and unattended bots can be monitored with the orchestrator?

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Yes we can. To trigger Unattended BOTS we must need Orchestrator.

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Do we write any code to trigger unattended bot? @lakshman