Birthday Email Automation_Where need to compare the date with todays date

Hello Sir / Mam,

I have to automate the flow of Birthday automation…
Where following things I want to do…

→ I have one excel with some user details with certain columns, and in all columns there are columns called Birthday and Email id.
→ I have to decide whose birthday is today(need to compare with today’s date) and then have to send the email to him , rest all people will be in CC in recipient list.
→ Email contains a demo template, where some html content and image can be there.

Can anyone help me to come out of this problem.

Hi @sachinl

Use Dt_input.Select([“birthday]=‘now.tostring’”)


Hey @AshwinS2 → Please find my sequence which I have created…
NewAuto_Email Excel.xaml (10.5 KB)

Hello @sachinl,

I saw your work flow. you didn’t check the birthday date with current date.


Hello @balupad14 → Whatever I have done, is it correct except that comparison… ??

Sure @Inayahowens

hello @sachinl,
can you provide your sequence please?