Best practice, working with UiPath in a company

Hello there!
I have recently started working in a company that uses UiPath and I’ve been tasked with setting up a structured, susstainable and trackable working environment for us. I can’t seem to find much documentation of how UiPath is supposed to work with Git, how the Orchestrator functions with multiple people working in a project and making re-useable modules for functionality across robots.
Does anyone have examples of how they work with multiple people or of links to useful guides that have helped you guys?
// A rookie RPA Developer

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Hi @theEmailRobot

UiPath Automation Coding Best Practices | Community Blog.

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Hii @theEmailRobot

UiPath Automation Coding Best Practices | Community Blog.

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That’s a good question
Let me try to draft so that it helps others in future as well

Here are some tips and resources for setting up a structured, sustainable, and trackable working environment with Git, Orchestrator, and reusable modules:


  • Use a Git branching strategy that is appropriate for your team and project. A common approach is to use a feature branch for each new feature or bug fix, and to merge the feature branch into the main branch once it is complete.
  • Use pull requests to review and approve changes before they are merged into the main branch. This helps to ensure that the code is high quality and that it meets the team’s standards.
  • Use Git tags to mark important versions of your code. This can be helpful for tracking the progress of your project and for deploying specific versions of your code to production.


  • Use Orchestrator to manage your UiPath robots and processes. This includes creating and deploying robots, managing schedules and triggers, and monitoring the performance of your robots and processes.
  • Use Orchestrator permissions to control who has access to your robots and processes. This helps to ensure that your code is secure and that only authorized users can make changes to it.
  • Use Orchestrator audit logs to track changes to your robots and processes. This can be helpful for troubleshooting problems and for ensuring compliance with company policies.

Reusable modules

  • Create reusable modules for functionality that is used across multiple robots. This can help to reduce the amount of code that you need to write and maintain.
  • Publish your reusable modules to Orchestrator so that they can be used by other team members.
  • Use Orchestrator dependencies to manage the versions of the reusable modules that are used by your robots. This helps to ensure that your robots are always using the latest versions of the modules.

Here are some additional tips for working with multiple people on UiPath projects:

  • Use a version control system such as Git to manage your code. This will help to prevent conflicts and ensure that everyone is working on the latest version of the code.
  • Use a project management tool such as Jira or Asana to track your progress and manage your tasks. This will help to keep everyone on the same page and ensure that the project is completed on time.
  • Use a communication tool such as Slack or Microsoft Teams to communicate with your team members. This will help to keep everyone informed of the latest progress and to troubleshoot any problems that arise.

Some document reference for learning more about UiPath, Git, Orchestrator, and reusable modules:

Cheers @theEmailRobot


Thank you very much for the detailed information!
I have some reading to do :smiley:

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Hope it’s clarified
If yes would recommend to close this topic

If not we can keep this discussion open
Cheers @theEmailRobot

Hi @theEmailRobot ,
There are a lot of documents about UiPath with Git, Orchestrator…
You can find them in doc

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