I have a list of several items, whose names could change constantly, and in addition I have several pages. I need an activity that allows me to enter each item and exit (like in a loop), and I’m using find children and I have this for the first item on the first page
I Have webctrl aaname=‘name of the first item’tag’A’ type='class=‘fn fs18 test_offername’/ I don’t want to take into account the name of the item, but rather the position in the list
Just to clarify, you want to iterate through the list and use the current index in the selector?
For example, I have a list of 10 products, and I need select the first product, then second product like a for or other way
This is an example of the first page
This is the UI of the web page
I am seeing that the idx value varies for each product, example: idx:2, the next one has idx=4, idx=6 and so on. How could I select each product taking into account the IDX number?
Yeah, idx is probably not the safest solution but might work if it’s incrementing in 2s.
In debug, what does your find children activity return? You could just loop through each item and select a product that doesn’t have the same name as the previous item.