When i click platform.uipath.com, its showing below image and there is no Become a new tenant button. What shld i do? I just completed foundation training and i’m new to orchestrator
HI @Nanda_RPA: Similar issue and explanation is provided in the following link There is no Become a new tenant button - #3 by Palaniyappan
First of all I would like to congratulate you for completing the foundation training, but unfortunately we are rolling some new and awesome features in production and I think we did not have a chance to update the course.
The new and awesome feature that I’m talking about is the roll out of the ‘UiPath Cloud Platform’ which in lames terms will act as an orchestrator of tenants So once you register you will receive a tenant , and you will be able to start developing that awesome robot network that will do all the tedious work that you want automated
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