Backup taking issue

When I am trying to take backup of database it is taking time to complete, depend on size of folders… So as i shown in pic2 below I captured element exists?? And then after completing it next activity must be click on ok… As shown in pic1… But I tried many methods but not working. Plz suggest…

You can use Wait Element Vanish activity for the second image.


Once the element vanishes, you can use On Element Appear for the first image to detect if the backup complete window appears.

With the combination of these activities you can achieve the required output.

Karthik Byggari

I tried this…

I tried but getting this error…

use Element Exists activity will be very useful.
use Element Exists activity and take selector of Cancel button. If Cancle button exists then loop it for 4 seconds once. if Cancel button not exists then it will exit the loop. Take a do while loop and create.
Hope my inputs are useful

It works… Thank you very much…

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