AWS Elasticsearch With Orchestrator

How to configure Elasticsearch in the AWS Cloud?

AWS Elasticsearch with Orchestrator can be started with the below detailed steps:

Step 1: Setting up Elasticsearch in the AWS.
Step 2: Configuring the Elasticsearch with Orchestrator.

Step 1: Setting up Elasticsearch in the AWS

  1. Go to the Amazon web service
  2. Click on Services and search Elasticsearch in the search box and select the Elasticsearch Service

  1. Click in the Create a new domain as shown the screenshot.

  1. Select the Environment that is being set up( development.)

  1. Select the Elasticsearch version and click Next

  1. Type the Elasticsearch domain name, Select the instance type based on your business.

  1. Select the Number on instance (Amazon will charge based on the number of instances and type)
  2. Select the Storage type, Volume type and size for per node. Encryption is required if it is a production environment, then select Node-to-node to secure your data.

  1. Snapshot is an auto backup of your instance you can set the hours based on your time zone and the snapshot of the system is stored in the S3 Bucket
  2. Click Next as shown in below screenshot
  1. Select Access type (Internal or Public access) Select your orchestrator server VPC, Subnet and Security Groups.

Kibana Installation
Kibana is installed by default but if you need secure access of Kibana enable Amazon Cognito for authentication (it is a like SSO from the existing integrated authentication provider)
  1. 1. Select the access policy for the user and network

  1. Click Next as shown in screenshot

    Custom policy can be written in JSON code for specific access.
  1. 3. Review all the configuration in Review page and Confirm
    • To Ensure hit the URL of the Kibana and you will get the welcome page of Kibana as shown in below screenshot
  2. Once deployment is completed, go to the Elasticsearch and open the deployed domain and click on Overview . The required details can be retrieved from the overview page.
  • VPC Endpoint – Copy the value to configure in the orchestrator
  • Kibana – Used the view the dashboards in the of the logs.

Step 2: Configuring the Elasticsearch with Orchestrator
  1. 1. Open web.config file (C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator) in the orchestrator server.
  2. Perform the below changes in web.config file
  3. Add robotElasticBuffer in the rules configuration on web.config file as shown in below screenshot.
    Below configuration says write logs to both Database and Elastic search

  1. 4.Configure the Elasticsearch VPC Endpoint URL in the below target (uri=””) on web.config file as shown in below screenshot.
This configuration indicates the server to push the logs to elastic search"" requireAuth="false" username="" password="" index="${event-properties:item=indexName}-${date:format=yyyy.MM}" documentType="logEvent" includeAllProperties="true" layout="${message}" excludedProperties="agentSessionId,tenantId,organizationUnitId,indexName" />
  1. 5. Once configuration done Restart the IIS and run the job.
  2. 6. Hit the URL of the Kibana and ensure the logs are writing in the Elasticsearch.

We had our ElasticSearch break upon upgrading Orchestrator from 21.10 to 22.10 (On-prem) when using the AWS managed service for ElasticSearch 7.9 (OpenSearch). To fix, we had to update the UiPath.orchestrator.dll.config file to add a parameter to disable check of ElasticSearch version as mentioned here: Hope this helps some time to anyone out there!