'automationName' can't be blank

I am using appium server to run mobile automation with android studio.

When I run (create connection)


I got this error


I tried to install driver ‘uiautomator2’

But I got error

Can someone help me finish it ? all day I solved problems after config it all

Hi Mironb,

I’m now facing the same error. Have you found the solution?

Hi! Can you please provide your version of appium, device configuration and app configuration?

Hi Cristian,

Appium: v.2.5.1


  • Name: same as device name in settings of emulated device
  • Appium Url:
  • Platform: Android (same as in emulated device)
  • Device Name: same as device name in settings of emulated device
  • Platform Version: 14 (same as in emulated device)
  • Additional Desired Capabilities:
    • balnk or as below (tried both settings)
    • Name: automationName / Value: UiAutomator2


  • blank or as below (tried both settings)
  • Web / Android / Chrome / URL to popular on-line store main page
    UiPath Studio: v.2023.10.0

Are those enough? Do you need something more?

Try giving automationName as appium:automationName. See Capabilities - Appium Documentation for more details.

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In MDM, like in the screen below? It worked, but I’m now facing new error :slight_smile:


Thank you, Cristian!