Automation Awareness - The Automation Journey - We want to hear your thoughts!

Its amazing, i hope to learn everything for UIpath

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I’m really excited to learn everything about RPA so I can use it on my website.

Amazing!!! I can’t wait to build the robots on UiPath. :grinning:

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I loved every part and section. I really want to learn and master every and each component.

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I’m most intrigued by the discover phase, and I think StudioX will be the best product for me to try out.

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All of these are so useful for myself and my organization, if possible, I want to learn more and deeper.

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I find it very interesting. All 5 phases seem quite intriguing. I can’t wait to get the hang of all these phases of automation!

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Can’t wait to try StudioX
Mostly intrigued by Manage/Orchestration phase

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I like the fact that the automation is broken for those that can code or not. I think thats the biggest issue with people who are so tech savvy. They still have the option with UiPath to be able to learn how to to still function within their job without feeling overwhelmed by it.

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The build is amazing. I’ll start by learning how to create a automation myself then switch to engage then process analysts

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I am excited to learn about StudioX!

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UiPath is awesome

I love how to build, however my best automation phase intrigued me the most is manage with Orchestrator and test manage. It is important due to will provide the highest value of quality of the automated program/task.

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I’m intrigued by the Build component and I’m looking forward to using Studio.

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Amazing Journey…wanted to dig deep …first into building phase and then remaining phases

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What a wonderful platform to be explored I can’t wait to dive in deeper and make the most use of it

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I think each phase has something interesting. The discovery phase seemed like a great starting place.

In the video, the appearance of some of the features reminded me of a flow chart.

Super intrigued by the whole automation process of tedious tasks. StudioX also seems very user friendly. I want to learn more about each phase and looking forward to creating my own RPA bots.

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A lot to take in but also a lot of opportunities to improve our work via automation.

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i’m interested in discovering in what ways can i automate some personal projects i’m working on. because the uipath platform has so many manual parts of application maintenance covered that can save a freelancer developer so much time

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