Am descarcat software-ul Uipath pentru automatizarea unui proces intr-o aplicatie web insa nu gasesc nicaieri si nu reusesc sa automatizez o anumita functie, daca mi-ati putea da cateva directii v-as ramane recunoscator.
Problema este: Doresc sa fac o automatizare simpla, in care Uipath sa foloseasca butonul stanga al mouse-ului si sa faca un numar presetat de apasari ale butonul cu o anumita frecventa a click-urilor. De exemplu: Vreau sa apese un anumit buton de 1000 de ori de 2 sau 3 ori pe secunda. Se poate asa ceva?
Va multumesc anticipat!
ENG: I downloaded the Uipath software for automating a process in a web application but I can’t find it anywhere and I can’t automate a certain function, if you could give me some directions I would be grateful.
The problem is: I want to do a simple automation, in which Uipath uses the left mouse button and makes a preset number of button presses with a certain frequency of clicks. For example: I want to press a certain button 1000 times 2 or 3 times per second. Is that possible?
Try to create a while loop where the condition is the amount of times you want to click the button. Insert a click activity inside the loop and set the delayAfter after property to time you want to have in between clicks.
Hi Schirru and thank you so much for replying back! I am glad there is a solution for the problem, now I am trying to implement it but it returns some errors if you can guide me with a solution I will be very grateful! Thank you again I attached photos with errors! Screenshot 2020-11-12 143814|586x99
I think I resolved the first problem, with the compiling error, I declared the variable as Int32 and defined it in the variables section like photo attached
I managed somehow to resolve the first issue Now I am encountering another problem, when I execute the sequence, it only execute it once and then it exits the sequence. What to do?
Hi thank you it worked! Now I’m struggling to obtain 4 clicks or more per second, I set for example 100 ms in the field delayAfter but it seems that it doesn’t make any difference compared with empty field. Maybe Uipath is limited or there is anything else I can try? Thank you so much you helped me a lot!