Automated Assessment Assistant
Use Case Description
The automated assessment assistant can be used by lecturers to automatically create assessments and automatically evaluate the assessments based on specific criteria. With the UiPath offering, auto-pilot can be included for students and lecturers to query marks as well as course content. UiPath can also be used to keep marks updated on the Learning Management System.
Other information about the use case
Industry categories for this use case: Information Technology and Services, Universities Academy
Skill level required: Intermediate
UiPath Products that were used: UiPath Studio, UiPath Apps, UiPath Assistant, UiPath Chatbots, UiPath Data Services, UiPath Studio Web, UiPath Document Understanding, UiPath Orchestrator, UiPath AI Computer Vision, Agentic AI
Other applications that were used: Excel, LMS
Other resources: The Use of Binary Scales in Rubrics to Evaluate Computer Science Assessments | SpringerLink
What is the top ROI driver for this use case?: Accelerate growth and operational efficiency