Attribute number need to change dynamic

Thanks in Advance


how to change 5 will dynamic in attribute


Assuming you are indicating the tableRow attribute, you could use a variable in the Selector, just right click on the attribute value, you should be able to Get the Option to either choose an Existing variable or Create a variable.

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As highlighted here below from the screenshot you provided you can add variable by right clicking and then change the variables value as you need


Is any possible to use wild card entry


You can use * as wild card but if you use that it by default takes the first row because * can take anything



SyntaxEditor Code Snippet

need to change the 11 in the attribute

Also how to get this id=‘ext-element-11’ in get attribute which option need to select


In place of 11 as well you can add variable…

If you wnat to get the attribute then use get attribute and the attribute name is id



If you want to place the variable in the selector for id you can pass the variable at the place of 11. If any number is dynamic then place * (wildcard).

Use get attribute activity to get the attributes and you can save it to a variable.

Indicate the element on the screen.
You can select the attribute in the attribute field by selecting in the dropdown.
You can save the attribute in a variable in Save to field.

Hope it helps!!