I wanted see my outlook and open pdf attachment name main1 and want to extract
text from this and make the folder with the help of text and paste the attachment in that folder How i can do this
Can’t understand the query ,Can you explain a bit more about your task?
- Use get mail activity . you can check has attachment if you want only the mails with attachments
- You have as option to save attachments as well. It will save the atatchments to a folder
- Then you do Directory.Getfiles() and it will fice you all files in array
- use for loop on this array and you can get the file name of each then use create folder pass the filename to it.
- Also use a move file to move the file from attachments location to required folder
I hope this is what you wanted
Please Explain 3 step
Directory.Getfiles(“yourmain folderpath”) this will give you all files in that folder in a array variable
Change the variable type from string to array and select string of array. It will aolve the issue
Directory.Getfiles(Strfilepath, “Main Sheet.pdf”) This for get file
If you want all files with name as main sheet.pdf then give Directory.Getfiles(Strfilepath, “*Main Sheet.pdf”)
In which activity you are getting this error?
Read pdf text file i m getting error
To access array you need to follow this pdffile(0) this will give first file…change 0 to 1 u ll get second and so on
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