At times, click event is not functioning in D365 or similar webapps


It is observed that at times, click activity is not functioning in D365 or similar web applications.
I’d appreciate if you could help to solve this intermittent issue. After adding Element Exists, or Image Exists, and adding necessary delays solves the issue; however, I’d appreciate if anyone could give a better solution.

Ajith K

This happens when the uielement has not loaded completely so in this case please give the waitfor property as complete in click activity or try with element exists and then click activity.

Hope this solves the issue.
Pavan H

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Alright Pavan. Shall try it out and get back to you any issues. Thanks!


It is observed that at times, click activity is not functioning in D365 or similar web applications.
I’d appreciate if you could help to solve this intermittent issue.

Ajith K

Hi @ajithkarat

Welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile:

Could you provide specific example of Click activity not working?

(I’ve also merged the two topics about the same issue)