Could you please whether data is properly scrapped or not. If yes then check arguments properly whethere you passed it or not.
Run the workflow in debug mode and check. It will help you to know where is the exact issue.
I just studing and I do not understand where I did misstep in my project
Please help me if you can…
Is it scrapped Data Properly or not ?
Just print this value ExtractDataTableOutput.Rows.Count using Message box after Data scraping activity. Just you have to put message box or Log Message or Write line activities and print the values. This will help you to find where it is failing exactly.
Here, what is the output variable name of Extract Structured dataTable Activity.
If you are trying to print with Write Line Activity then use - OutputOfActivity.Rows.Count.Tostring
If Message Box - OutputOfActivity.Rows
It is okey or not?
Tengo el mismol error, llevo dias tratando de resolverlo y no he podido