Assignment no1 PLEASE HELP

Im on the last sequence where it updating data… clicking button “Update Work Item”
And then i need to update comment and status… my sequence get problem with redirecting steps on the new upcoming windows. Any ideas ?

And secend question… how to set value for in argument for status for complited ? What steps need to be done ?

Many Thanks for support me.

Guys please tell me how input data to this new windows… :frowning:

Hi @fudi5: Please use the UiExplorer to get the correct selector for the popup window and then you should be able to type the comments in the Add Comments section.

To your second question: During the invoke process for the UpdateHash workflow, set the status to “Completed” for the in_status argument.

Hmm… i i have been made some test. And in EI its working fine but on chrome (im using chrome) i got problem with UIExplorer… it dosent see this windows even after create a new selector…

This a good selector in this case ?

<html app='chrome.exe' htmlwindowname='WI-Update' title='ACME System 1 - Work Items' />
<webctrl tag='TEXTAREA' />

I haven’t tried it in Chrome, the difference I see is the control ID is missing in the selector for the TextArea, and I remember using wildcards in the window title.

ok i solved this issue… but after one transaction, secend dosent start… do you know where can be a problem?

In the process state, go the finally block and increment the Transaction Number

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how did you solve the problem? the marked solution does not match to the original problem.

How did you get to the popup-window instead of the underlying window?

Im not using button “Update Work Item” im using navigate to where im open directly site with comment field then doing rest of things and its work for me