Assignment 2 - Yearly Report

I am unsure where this error is coming from as this process worked when I ran just the file a few days ago ?

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one reason is because when you download the CSV, you didnt wait for the download to complete.
you can either try use wait for dowload activty to wait for download to complete, or use file exists activity (in a loop) to wait until the file exists

wait for download:

file exists:

Hey @Sean_Ryan1

The thing here is to check the file path if that is valid.

And if you’re downloading the file, then yes as suggested by @jack.chan please use Wait for Download activity which will dynamically do the job for you.


Do I need an activity in the do part of it. And I’m not sure what goes into the downloaded file part

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Hey @Sean_Ryan1

In the Do block just add the step which initiates download like click type or whatever

In the downloaded file just enclose file name in double quotes


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