Assignment 2-Generate Yearly Vendor report

My Transaction is continuously scrapping the data from 1 to 11 again and again from 1 to 11 without stopping, I am not understanding where is the mistake.

Buddy @ramkrishna2k3

Kindly check with, is there any loop is getting reused again and again in the workflow it must be only because of that buddy


Is that working buddy


My Transaction is continuously scrapping the data from 1 to 11 again and again from 1 to 11 without stopping, I am not understanding where is the mistake.
Can some body guide me (3.3 MB)

It is working I can add the WIID number to Queue…but the process it getting continuously Which it should be stop. After processing the 14 work items. I have attached my xaml, if possible please guide where should i modify.

Buddy @ramkrishna2k3

Once you are done with all the transaction use a assign value atlast with left side
TransactionItem = Nothing, after the for each row where the queue item is getting added


Means, below the add queue item ?

Below the for each loop buddy


is that working buddy @ramkrishna2k3

No, Not Yet the same it is Processing.