Assignment 2 - dispatcher stops after 2 pages

I am on the “Generate Yearly report” assignment and running into some issues with the dispatcher portion. It reads the WI4 elements from pages 1 and 2. And then the process stops after reading 2 pages.
I’ve attached the output file. Please advise.

output-log-GenerateYearlyReport.txt (2.0 KB)


Can you share your workflow?

The problem seems to be with the dynamic selector for “Element Exists” activity for determining if next page is present. Screenshot of selector is shown. PS: I am using Chrome.

Thanks for your help

Have you thought of using Data Scrap of all Work Items to a DataTable, then a For Each Row activity adding the Work Item to your Queue if W14 is present?

Had to use separate conditions for the first page and the other pages. Phew.

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