Hi, why i cannot login to ACME system. Here is my find , can anyone help me to check? Thanks.yearly2IE.zip (1.0 MB)
as you see in get credentials workflow you haven’t gave any arguments to store the credentials.you need to use 3 arguments,out_username,out_password,in_credentilas,give these arguments and it will work.
these are the argumenets which are to be present in get credential workflow. plz go through it once let me know if it not works.
@venkatmalla6 cannot
Buddy check whether you have values for all the arguments
Even check the variable assigned to the arguments, has values are not, it doesn’t mean that if we have assigned the variable as a value to arguments, it doesn’t have null reference buddy. The thing is we need to make sure first the variable username and password is been fetched with values or not @jiejie
reframework.zip (1.0 MB)
go through it this time it works.
i cannot run your file @venkatmalla6
reframework.zip (1.0 MB)
its working for me,just check the value of credential.and then run this bot which i send you.i just made some corrections.hope this time it works.