Assign rank to each student based on its Total Marks

  1. Count At_Kt as 1 if subject Mark is less than 40 and calculate total nos of At_Kts. Eg: If any student has less then 40 marks in 2 Subject then ATKT count is 2 ,.If any student has less then 40 marks in 3 subject then ATKT count is 3

  2. Assign rank to each student based on its Total Marks. (Ex…For highest marks rank should be 1 and so on.) note: if someone have aktk then rank will be NA.
    Marksheet Data.xlsx (11.6 KB)

Thank you in advance

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Can you check the below post. It will help to get the ATKT count. Same like that you can add a column for total mark of student(sum of all subject). Based on that you can use a Sort activity and sort the rows.Then give the rank.

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Hey @Ashok_kumar7

Were you able to get solution for this ?


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