Assign problem!

I need to assign the data of “sample ID” as a variable, but it come to this problem, may I ask how I can cope with this?

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Hi @Happydayyy

Change the AppNum Variable to the System.Double datatype in the variables panel.

Hope it helps!!

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seems there is not have this

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Type system.Double in the Serach bar then you will find that datatype, click on Double… @Happydayyy

Check the below image for better understanding,

Hope you understand!!

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there is still have an error…

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FA Sorting AFTER confi…xaml (41.6 KB)
U can have a look on my workflow… Many thanks

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In the workflow you have deleted the assign activity where you are getting error… @Happydayyy

I Inserted the assign activity in the same place and updated the datatype of AppNum variable to System.Double. Give the expression in the value field of assign activity and try weather it was giving the same error or not.

Here is the updated workflow,
FA Sorting AFTER confi…xaml (41.3 KB)

Hope you understand!!

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FA Sorting AFTER confi. (3).xaml (41.8 KB)

I dont know why there is still have the mistake…

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Change the Value expression in the assign activity… @Happydayyy

- Assign -> AppNum = dtSummary.AsEnumerable().Select(Function(row) row.Field(Of Double)("sample ID")).FirstOrDefault()

Hope you understand!!

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In the nearly end part of workflow, this error is happen…

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Okay @Happydayyy

Change as below in the Save as file field,


Hope it helps!!


Thank you so much, the problem is solved!!!


It’s my pleasure… @Happydayyy

Happy Automation!!


@mkankatala Hello, Can you go to How to solve this problem? to help me? This seems like a similar issue. Thanks you!!

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