Hello, I am getting the below assembly reference error. I have looked around at some solutions online from people building C# projects, but nothing relevant to UiPath from what I can find.
Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "new PowerBIClient(new Uri("https://api.powerbi.com"), tkn)".
Reference required to assembly 'netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' containing the implemented interface 'System.IDisposable'. Add one to your project.
Hey, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I cannot easily upgrade my version right now. What is it about the Compatibility mode which solves the problem? Is there any way I can achieve the same result with my version?
Studio 2020.10 uses the old version of the .net framework and may not be fully compatible with the .net 2.0 standard (required for this package). Windows compatibility is on a newer framework that should support the .net standard
This code will run in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code where you can set any version of the framework.
Then UiPath can run the exe file built from that code.
Stupid solution but works…
OK, I see. I guess that makes sense, but both 2020.10 and the current version of UiPath documentation both say “.NET Framework Version 4.6.1 or greater” in UiPath Studio Software Prerequisites, so before your message I already had decided it must not be a .NET framework version issue…
framework 4.6.1 may be not enough for powerBI.API package.
But newest studio use .net6 in ‘windows’ compatibility (compatible with package), for ‘windows-legacy’ we have old framework again and the same error)
As you see below there may be issues with using .net framework 461 with packages with .netstandard2.0, but .net 6 is fully compatible