Arguments query?

can you please tell me why do we use these highlighted to use in Logs data written if they are not fetching any value, what is the purpose of these using it here?

see we have assigned these string.empty. As I understand they are returing empty value nothing else. so why do we use these in the Add Logs data, what value they will give us there/
3. what is now.string will give?
@Palaniyappan @lakshman



It will give current time.

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Buddy the question looks contrast
The arguments in the first picture is
Logf_TransactionField1 and Logf_TransactionField2 and they will be assigned with some value for sure
But the below screenshot includes different
Out_TransactionField1 and Out_TransactionField2 and they are found in get transaction data xaml and its not about logs
–moreover they are assigned with string.empty which means null value to validate whether the transaction item has any value or not

The for this

Now is property that we get from Datetime class and it gives us a value of Datetime in thisnformat
dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss
And In order to assign it to a string Variable we are converting this datetime to string with typical method

Thats all buddy
Cheers @balkishan


Any issues still buddy @balkishan


Thanks @Palaniyappan

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Great …
Cheers @balkishan

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