Argument Null Exception When we Try to open the particular XAML

I couldn’t able to see any flow in the Xaml. but i can able to the activities and flow in Outline Pane.
When i click the particular Flow in the outline pane, flow is getting loaded.

More over Xaml is not running even when loaded. It ended up with redeveloping my Flows.

Did any one faced such issue?

Kindly help and guide.


I have a similar error situation, but I don’t see any of the code in the Outline/Overview view. My error is:

Hi @karthick @apage

It is super difficult to tell why an error appears without more context. It would help to know the version of Studio, of activity packs and the exact scenario (steps) that lead to an error.

Also, a simple project zip file would make it even easier for other users to look into the issue.

Without specific context, I can suggest these handful of topics from the search bar, they all have a post marked as solution and the error messages matches the one from the screenshots above:

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