Argument issue

After deleting the argument why it’s showing imports arguments
I don’t want that argument what to do?

Hi @suraj_gaikwad

If you have already deleted the argument & still able to see the same, please save the workflows & close the application. Open it again, and check if you get the same thing again.

Hope this helps,
Best Regards.

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Still it’s showing I tried this 2/3 time


save the xaml where the arguments were modelled or changed
go to the XAML which is invoking the XAML
Click on Import Arguments and refresh the definitions

Orange indicates that changes on the invoked xaml for the arguments is detected

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Eve I can’t see the argument I’m seeing only the number

Any different behaviour when uncommenting, importing the arguments and later comment out it?

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I’m not able to run the throwing that error

we do feel that there is only a small missmatch in the worksteps

You can confirm so far?

  • XAML B was reworked, all defined Arguments were removed and the XAML B is properly saved and closed
  • XAML A is invoking XAML B
  • As the Arguments from XAML B has changed, we do see the orange indication and when clicking import Arguments we do see the empty list.
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Hi @suraj_gaikwad

I think there is no arguments in the second workflow. Delete all the arguments in the second workflow and recreate. Go to the first workflow and Use invoke workflow activity to invoke the second workflow then open the Import arguments and pass the variables to it.

Hope it helps!!

Actually i don’t want an arguments that’s y deletes all from xaml but in import xmal it’s showonly the number but inside is blank

@ppr @mkankatala @arjunshenoy

@suraj_gaikwad Go to that workflow in the design ribbon open the remove unused option and hit on the arguments. It will remove the unused arguments. After that save all the project.

If it doesn’t work do close and reopen the xamls.

Check once!!

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