Are there unique IDs for each activity or error executed in an automation?

Hi all.

I’m developing some personal code which queries orchestrator logs at the moment for errors. I notice duplication as the errors gets passed up through the hierarchy of sequences and wondered if there was a simple way I could just select only unique IDs for each activity/error

Then, rather than getting Activity Name: Error1, Sequence for Activity: Error1, Big Sequence: Error1, I could just get the original activity where the error occurred?

Not sure if I’m overcomplicating or if this is not possible. Thanks in advance!

Hi @oliver.golding

Welcome to the forum!

I am not sure about unique id ( there is a fingerprint in the log message in orchestrator but I don’t think that would be helpful) what you could do is Lets say if you have duplicates of error message due to the error bubbling up what you could do is use the time stamp to keep the earliest and the rest you can delete that might help in reducing your duplicates.

You can also filter out every error message containing “sequence”.

Hi @oliver.golding,

For this, I would suggest following development best practices.

One of those that can be utilized here is as below:

  • Name all your sequences and activities basis on the functionality encapsulated within the same.

For e.g. if my sequence is just adding items to the queue, instead of let its name be sequence, I would rename it to - “Add queue Items”. Likewise I would do for activities as well.

Assign activity as may be “Assign folder path”

Simple log message as “Log message - navigation error”

By naming your workflows, activities, you would be able to directly identify from orchestrator logs, which workflow->sequence->activity, that error belongs to.

You can also follow below documentations for coding best practices:

Hope this helps.


you can filter by datetime or you can give proper name your working activity
like Typeinto: FirstName , Typeinto: LastName

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: , the point about the earliest timestamp is actually a good idea, I’ll do that!

Thanks very much :slight_smile:

Hey Sonalia, thanks for your reply :slight_smile: . My project does already follow best practices, my issue is that every level the error goes up through, it logs the parent sequence/workflow name, so I end up seeing the error message 4/5 times, just with a different activity prefix. e.g.

Sequence (Display Name - Filter YouTube Search Results): Couldn’t find video
Sequence (Display Name - Search YouTube): Couldn’t find video
Sequence (Display name - Open YouTube): Couldn’t find video
Workflow (Display Name - Get YouTube Video): Couldn’t find video.

Hopefully this clarification makes my issue clearer? Thanks again for your reply though :slight_smile:


Hey Aleem, thanks for your reply. I already have strong naming conventions in place - for further explanation of my issue, please see my reply to Sonalia below :slight_smile: .

Have a nice day

Ahh, got it @oliver.golding, thanks for clarifying.

That is the default/normal behaviour. Error messages from the exceptions are logged in orchestrator until the control reaches to outermost try catch handler.

And I don’t think you can change that.
