Applied formulas by invoking VBA code from UiPath but the sheet doesn't show the matching values

Hello dear community,
I am struggling with a issue where I applied formula using invoke VBA code which has VLOOKUP. however, the problem I face is the formula applied doesn’t show any values inspite of having the right matches.

Attaching screenshots from excel for reference.

MicrosoftTeams-image (10)

Hello Raghu,

You can try recording macro. And if you are running through the Ui-Path then make sure you must pass row count variable which will make it dynamic.

Please let me know if my suggestion resolves your issue.

Thank you :slight_smile:
Happy Automation!!


Your data is the issue. I’m confident that your C4 or P64 cell values are not numerical to do subtraction.

See this formula.


Ashok :slight_smile:

can you please check if you are applying correct formulas to the right cells in the excel file.

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