Action Center multi-node installed on the same two nodes as Orchestrator, on a different port 10443, behind an Azure Application Gateway. When trying to reach Action Center process / action , Error " 502 - Web server" received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server .
Root Cause: Application response time is greater than the request time-out set on the Azure Application Gateway backend settings (default is 20 seconds).
- Check the Action Center application status through local server address and load balancer address:
- https://action_center_host:10443/actioncenterservice/
- https://Azure_Application_Gateway:10443/actioncenterservice/
- If the application is healthy, and every other prerequisites from the documentation are applied, check application performance while loading. If poor performance is observed, check the Application Gateway backend settings and look for "Request time-out" and increase the value (in seconds).