Appian with UiPath Integration

I am trying to integrate Appian and Uipath. Let me explain.

Basically I would like to create a plugin in Appian which will invoke/triger the bot of Uipath . Kindly suggest me the options.

I understand from Uipath REST API can be exposed . If yes then Appian can easily call the API. But do we need orchestrator for this? Can’t we use Studio to create/expose webservice to the third party tool?

Please advice


Hi @sogmax

Yes, you will need orchestrator for this since the Robot API is no longer supported:

Hey Ovi
Thanks for your quick response. Can’t we do this using uipath studio. because don;t licensed version of orchestrator. that’s the challenge.

Can you tell me few workarounds?


Use the Orchestrator CE
This may help UiPath Orchestrator API Guide 2016.2

Thanks a lot. Let me check

Can you please let me know steps. Coz I am pretty new to Uipath. Struggling to do this using orchestrator community edition.

Hi badita,

I am not able to login to the URL :, as in the Guide it was mentioned.


Register on Orchestrator CE here: UiPath Orchestrator

Then Login here:


Here we are using the community edition and according to the guide u provided it was mentioned was enterprise edition.

So how the Orchestration will be done here?

@sogmax there’s no difference between CE and Ent except that

  • there’s a limit on number of robots
  • Orchestrator CE is hosted by us in cloud while Ent is on premise

Please do your homework before posting.

YEp I did it. But I am very new to Uipath. Need help on this specific requirements.
Can you please share steps how to create REST APIs in orchestrator and publish it . so that I can call it from a 3rd party tool. Also I am interested to know the steps how from uipath studio/orchestrator 3rd party REST APIs can be called or consumed.

I need pretty simple steps to perform this


DEar Badita

I have this critical and specific requirements for a customer. I have to do it very short deadline. Hope you understand this.

YEp I did it. But I am very new to Uipath. Need help on this specific requirements.
Can you please share steps how to create REST APIs in orchestrator and publish it . so that I can call it from a 3rd party tool. Also I am interested to know the steps how from uipath studio/orchestrator 3rd party REST APIs can be called or consumed.

I need pretty simple steps to perform this


Hi Som,

you can find the documentation here.
The API documentation is here.
That’s all you need.

I implemented the same use case (with another iBPM Platform) a month ago.

1 Like

Hi Nike

The ground reality is I am do not have much Uipath background. We are BPM and Appian competency. This specific requirement is from one of our customer. If you could share more details that would be great help. BTW

We have already done the authentication between Appian and Orchestrator.

We saw a demo where Uipath separately have read a excel file as entry point of the bot. Now my question is if we need to trigger the bot from Appian BPM what specifically we need to do in orchestrator. We can call REST API from Appian anytime. Also I want Uipath bot to also call appian REST webservice . Because we want the bot to assign human tasks in appian.

Please share your thoughts and steps.


Hi Nike

Looking for your response please.


Hi Nike

You can also write me steps to


Hello Sogmax,

May I know whether you have got what you want? I also have the same problem. As I know we can wrap the Bot as a REST service. However, how to do it in Orchestrator? All the Orchestrator API is telling how to trigger the job, queue item, …etc. What I want is

  1. 3rd party call REST API to start my Bot with parameters (e.g. date, name…etc)
  2. the Bot will do something, and response the message back to the request. e.g “Successful”, “fail”…etc

Any suggestion can share with me?

Hello Sogmax, do you figure out how to expose the robot as webservice? either in local or Orchestrator?