When I enter a sharepoint path similar to this as the FilePath: “https://mysite.sharepoint.com/sites/RobotsProject/Shared%20Documents/Inbox%20Results/Acme%20Digital%20Processing%20Record.csv”, the activity tries to open a file with the project’s filepath inserted before the https and I get a format error runtime failure.
This is the FilePath the activity reports:
Append To CSV: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. : “C:\Users\myname\OneDrive\General - Project\9. Production Digital Assistant\UiPath\Libraries\reuseable components\content\https://mysite.sharepoint.com/sites/RobotsProject/Shared%20Documents/Inbox%20Results/Acme%20Digital%20Processing%20Record.csv”
Is there any way to use the activity with this sort of filepath?