Append line from excel

Hi ,

I have excel file with 2 columns Day and EMP, and I use append line activity to append data from excel to word .

I am using for each my issues is the first coalman “Day” without column name so how I can use the row number instead of column name ?

row(“EMP”).ToString , it is work like this but i need row number if it is possible



Welcome to forums

To get row number, As you are using For Each Row activity, You can check the properties of the activity, there you find a Index, Declare a Variable for that

so each time loop runs, the index will changes, as the index starts with 0, If you want start from 1 then you can use Index+1

Hope this helps you



Thank you

could you please give me example


Check as below

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Hope this helps you


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thanks @Srini84

so if I do not use the for each if the first column without hearer o got same error so it is count from second column