API working when attended, But failing when running via Orchestrator

Hey, #UipathCommunity.
I am Doing an API automation, where i am notating a Message in a tab in a website.

When i am running the Attended/ in my Local Machine it is working fine and Notating the Message.
But if am running the Bot from orchestrator with the Same Package. It is not notating the Message in the Website.

Does anybody have any idea, why it is happening like that?


can you please provide more info…like how you are calling etc


We have specific Endpoints the Notating the Message, So i used Login EndPoint and Notating EndPoint.

i ran the Code, from my local it is working as expected. But via orchestrator it is giving the Queue success But it is not notating the Website.

it is the same code which ran successfully in Local which i uploaded into orchestrator.


may try running using remote debug option/run from orchestrator and then login and check what is going different


Did it, it is running successfully, But Not notating While running from orchestrator.
But while running the same code Attended, it is working as expected.


Can you please include some logs about each variable or output you are using and getting
