currently setup with single tenant (“default”) and in process of setting up 2 new tenants and getting rid of default (since it can not be renamed << very strange )
I’m trying to get all data from “default” tenant and copy it
asset with credentials
GET odata/Assets
returns something like this
"Name": "ACME",
"CanBeDeleted": true,
"ValueScope": "Global",
"ValueType": "Credential",
"Value": "username: ",
"StringValue": "",
"BoolValue": false,
"IntValue": 0,
"CredentialUsername": "",
"CredentialPassword": "",
"ExternalName": null,
"CredentialStoreId": 1,
"HasDefaultValue": true,
"Description": null,
"Id": 117,
"KeyValueList": []
when trying to post
{"message":"The user name or external name cannot be null or empty.","errorCode":1500,"resourceIds":null}
is there a way to grab username via GET odata/Assets?
rest of the assets work just fine … some trouble with ID’s … but nothing I can’t deal with or script for… assets with credentials, I can not find a way to grab username … which leaves me with lot of manual work
any suggestions?