API | Get last log for each robot | Orquestrator 2019

i’m trying to get the last log by robot.

I got this far :
https://OrchestratorLink/odata/RobotLogs?$top=1&$filter=RobotName eq ‘NameOfRobot’

This returns a log from August, i know that currently is running a job in that machine, and as been running variously jobs every day.( the logs appear in Orchestrator)

So, how can i get the last log? I can’t find a solution.

Hi @fmsimoes

Could you try returning all records, just to see if the latest ones are also returned?

i did not mention but already try that and still couldn’t see the most recent, nonetheless i believe was the limitation of the records shown by the API.

Good news, I was able to find a solution :slight_smile:

https://OrchestratorLink/odata/RobotLogs?$top=1&$filter=RobotName eq ‘NameOfRobot’&$orderby=TimeStamp desc

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