API calls, OAuth, and Users OnPrem 21.04 Orchestrator


It appears to me that StartJobs does not work with Specific Strategy and a supplied RobotId, at least on my OnPrem 21.04 Orchestrator, authenticating via OAuth (Confidential/Application).

I have tried with the Swagger interface, with Postman, with Logic Apps. Same result.

I have confirmed that the user is in the folder, and I have gone into the Orchestrator GUI and started the job with the user. I have checked that I have the correct folder in the header (X-UIPATH-OrganizationUnitId). I have been working in this for days with the same result and no progress. Can anyone with access to an on prem 21.04 orchestrator jump into swagger and please check if they can run a job with specific strategy?

/odata/Folders?$filter=FullyQualifiedName eq ‘DEV’&$select=Id
Response = 200, Id = 2

/odata/Users?$filter=UserName eq ‘X’&$select=Id
Response = 200, Id = 50

/odata/Releases?$filter=Name eq ‘DaveTest1-LogicApps’&$select=Key
Response = 200, Key = b7a52a7a-0e7e-4d2b-9b3e-6c7f4eaf8778

/odata/Jobs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.StartJobs Any User
“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “b7a52a7a-0e7e-4d2b-9b3e-6c7f4eaf8778”,
“Strategy”: “ModernJobsCount”,
“JobsCount”: 1
Response = 201

/odata/Jobs/UiPath.Server.Configuration.OData.StartJobs Specific User
“startInfo”: {
“ReleaseKey”: “b7a52a7a-0e7e-4d2b-9b3e-6c7f4eaf8778”,
“Strategy”: “Specific”,
“RobotIds”: [50]
Response = 409,

“message”: “Couldn’t find the specified unattended user/robot in the current folder.”,
“errorCode”: 1671,
“resourceIds”: null