Anyone out there doing Kibana insights?

Have any of you tried to create a dashboard for the actual process the robot is running? So for example the robot is processing bank transactions, what if you want to make the content of these transaction items visible in a dashboard. In other words, how to effectively log all the content of a TransactionItem to Elastic? Haven’t found a really effective way, instead of manually writing the Log Message.

Looking forward to your thoughts.



Hi @octechnologist

Are you able to push the uipath logs to elastic search?. We are not using orchestrator and I am also working on it but not sure how to push the logs to elasticsearch. Is it possible to share simple .xaml file describing to include logs to es engine.


hey, I have not tried to push the logs directly to Elastic, might be possible to do that by changing the Nlog configuration file of the robot… I think it’s called webconfig

I’m definitely using Orchestrator because it brings so much to the table. Hooking up ES for me is just a matter of a web.config mod that points to an ES server which is essentially a parallel logging repo in addition to the SQL logs.