Anyone knows how to contact the technical support team

The Contact Us function is not really working! So I reached out to you to see if I can get some help.
I tires to send email to the support team mail box and got an auto reply told me to click submit a request, where I have tried several times to click the UNCLICKABLE SUBMIT button.

My problems are stated as followed, I appreciate your help or any information to help me contact the support team.

I encountered three issues after I upgraded the latest Excel activities package. Please help me through.

  1. Unable to use workbook activities to w/r β€œ.xls” files. It worked when I used the older version of excel package.
    2.Due to the default format set by Excel(General Format), strings start with β€˜0’, like β€œ012345” will be rewritten as β€œ12345”, the usual way to overcome this problem is to write a " ’ " before the number. But after the upgrade the first " ’ " does not work anymore!!!
  2. THEREFORE, I uninstall my excel package and tried to reinstall it to see if there was something wrong when I was upgrading the package. After the first uninstallation, the output area keep telling me there are multiple errors in my program, all concerning the excel package. I tried two more times, the same errors remained. So I decided to close Uipath and reopened it. Then, the activation window popped up!!! I have activated my license from Jan. and it worked fine. I clicked [start trail] and it said, my device is already activated. MY DEVICE ID IS [UoXUE/SxdLZ1gdQTjGMQ] and my license number is [ 3867**********7882 ]. Could anyone please check out what is going on here and give me a solution ASAP since I am providing the RPA service for my client and this is annoying !

Best regards,

Hi @HartZhong,
Which version UiPath.Excel. Activities are you using ?


Hi balupad14 ,
I believe it’s the latest, released this month.


HI @HartZhong,
Here i have attached a sample which is working well with latest version excel.

File : (9.2 KB)

Below the version which is the one i am using please very with you.


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Thanks! @balupad14
I will try this out as soon as my Uipath is reactivated.

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Hi there,
the workbook thing does not bother me anymore, but the format issue still remains.


The Contact us form only works with your company email. If you are a Community Edition user you can only find support here on the Forum as stated in the Terms and Conditions for using CE.


I will change my email address to my company email and try the contact us form again.

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Hi Balupad,
I had uipath license key for 1 key. But by mistakenly I had use the license key in remote desktop. Because of this mistake I cant able to use the license key in Normal Desktop. Could you please help me to resolve this issue.


Hi @Suresh2110,

Welcome to UiPath Forum Community. For the license oriented thing, you can contact Technical support which I have mentioned it in the bellow.


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Could you please send me your email ID and contact number. I have few doubts so that I can clear those with your help.

how can we get a trial version of entrprise edition.
We have downlaoded the exe file and installed. its asking for a key.
How to get key for trial version.

Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM