The Contact Us function is not really working! So I reached out to you to see if I can get some help.
I tires to send email to the support team mail box and got an auto reply told me to click submit a request, where I have tried several times to click the UNCLICKABLE SUBMIT button.
My problems are stated as followed, I appreciate your help or any information to help me contact the support team.
I encountered three issues after I upgraded the latest Excel activities package. Please help me through.
Unable to use workbook activities to w/r β.xlsβ files. It worked when I used the older version of excel package.
2.Due to the default format set by Excel(General Format), strings start with β0β, like β012345β will be rewritten as β12345β, the usual way to overcome this problem is to write a " β " before the number. But after the upgrade the first " β " does not work anymore!!!
THEREFORE, I uninstall my excel package and tried to reinstall it to see if there was something wrong when I was upgrading the package. After the first uninstallation, the output area keep telling me there are multiple errors in my program, all concerning the excel package. I tried two more times, the same errors remained. So I decided to close Uipath and reopened it. Then, the activation window popped up!!! I have activated my license from Jan. and it worked fine. I clicked [start trail] and it said, my device is already activated. MY DEVICE ID IS [UoXUE/SxdLZ1gdQTjGMQ] and my license number is [ 3867**********7882 ]. Could anyone please check out what is going on here and give me a solution ASAP since I am providing the RPA service for my client and this is annoying !
The Contact us form only works with your company email. If you are a Community Edition user you can only find support here on the Forum as stated in the Terms and Conditions for using CE.
Hi Balupad,
I had uipath license key for 1 key. But by mistakenly I had use the license key in remote desktop. Because of this mistake I cant able to use the license key in Normal Desktop. Could you please help me to resolve this issue.
how can we get a trial version of entrprise edition.
We have downlaoded the exe file and installed. its asking for a key.
How to get key for trial version.