Anyone has an template to perform a vlookup or lookup from 2 excel files?

I have 2 excel files.
One is the employee’s gross salary,
Employee ID, Name, Gross Salary (MMM YYYY), Gross Salary (MMM YYYY), Gross Salary (MMM YYYY)…Gross Salary (MMM YYYY)

The other is the employee’s claims
S/N, employee ID, NAME, PH DEC 2023, PH JAN 2024, # of Days JUNE 2024, Gross Salary (MMM YYYY)" … Gross Salary (MMM YYYY)"

I need to populate the data under the corresponding columns of Gross Salary (MMM YYYY) found in the employee claims from the information i have from the employee’s gross salary file. Anyone has any template I can refer to?



Refer this solution and customise the logic as per your need.

hii @Jorgie

You can use this and find if your problem is sloved
=VLOOKUP(B2, [EmployeeGrossSalaryFile.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$2:$Z$100, 3, FALSE)

Have one more solution for multiple months ill share that as well
=VLOOKUP(B2, [EmployeeGrossSalaryFile.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$2:$Z$100, MATCH(“Gross Salary (JAN 2024)”, [EmployeeGrossSalaryFile.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1:$Z$1, 0), FALSE)