Any other option better than Give Delay?

Hi, Is there any other option better than to give a delay. Is it possible to set the time between the before and after activity? will it work the same as a delay. Plx suggest. Thanks


Hi @balkishan,

Can you explain your use case for this one?

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Like. I am searching a keyword and on the basis of keyword I am searching the Item list.
As now I am using the typeinto Activity and give Enter in the same command. So it’s type and suddenly click so no List is available showing.
When I give the delay between the activity it’s showing me the List. So I want to know is there any better option rather than using delay activity.
Hope you understand. :slight_smile:

Hi buddy @balkishan

yes of course you have buddy
and you know thats a valid question, because always try to avoid using delay activity buddy and alternative activities are On element appear, On image appear, wait element vanish, wait image vanish, on element image vanish and on image vanish

the reason to avoid delay is when the page the gets loaded even in 20th second and while you have mentioned the delay with 30 seconds it will wait till 30 seconds buddy
and this will slow down the performance of the workflow buddy @balkishan
and if you use the above mentioned activities if the element or image appear in 20 seconds even though you have given time till 30 seconds it will immediately go for the next activity and wont wait till the full time gets over

or you have other optins as well
some activities have Delay before and Delay after and timeoutMS properties with which you can mention the time to taken before and after passing that activity

thats all buddy you are done

Cheers @balkishan


You can use On Element Appear on that one :slight_smile:

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I give like this It’s working with give delay of 1 second

When I gave like this it’s not working, without any delay

It’s not static. It’s dynamic. so I don’t think On Element Appear activity will work here.

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Okay. I understand.
Can you indicate the element?
If yes, please provide us the selector :slight_smile:

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buddy instead of delay option you can use this buddy

in send hot key activity

or even with type into acivity
you can mention the time buddy @balkishan

Cheers @balkishan


Can you please explain bit what is the meaning of Before and After delay in the same activity? Thanks

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Buddy @balkishan

for delay after

for delay before



did that work buddy @balkishan

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It just also works as a Delay activity, but just a property. It is likely the same as adding a Delay activity before and after an activity :sweat_smile:

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Thanks @Palaniyappan and @Jan_Brian_Despi it’s Resolved :slight_smile:

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Cheers buddy @balkishan

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