Anchor base.pdf (436.7 KB)
Hi, I have some difficulties to set the anchor for a given element in which I want to extract certain information. The anchor may change place in the webpage depending on how much data is written above. I get the following error ( see attached document) in my process and understand that I need to modify the selector, but I am not quite sure which changes need to be done? Does anyone have a solution or can help me along the way?
It seems that your data on browser is a table based on the screenshot in your PDF file. You may try Data Scraping to get data of the whole table.
@Haakon.Villalpando To set an anchor for a given element you can also use this Indicate Anchor in UiExplorer. So avoid using anchor base activity and try with this option. Use Get Text activity and open the selector in UiExplorer, set anchor using Indicate Anchor option and check the results
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