Analyze errors

When I analyze my RE Framework there are about 20 errors showing up about container usage, secure string usage etc. The process runs okay.
What should I do about the Analyzer errors?

Thank you so much,

Hi @A_Learner

This is not error rather a warning.
For ensuring quality of code does not degrade it advances/follow some pre defined best practices /rules, if these rules are not followed, UiPath Analyzer shows these messages. Every message is defined by a code.
In your case it is `

UI-DBP-006 Container Usage Top level selector used outside scoped containers

This means that you have used consecutive activities in your automation that have same top level selector, instead of doing that you can use a container, and defined top level selector in it. These top level container are more reliable and easy to modify in case of change.
refer the below docs

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @A_Learner

You are not getting any errors in your project rather it say the code has’nt met the standards which are needed.

Workflow Analyzer is a static code analyzer that ensures your project meets high quality and reliability standards. Workflow Analyzer uses a set of rules to check for various inconsistencies unrelated to project execution. The rules are based on Automation Best Practices and take into consideration variable and argument naming, empty sequences or workflows, package restrictions, and so on. The analyzer does not identify errors in execution or compilation.

Check the below docs for more information

Every warning you get is defined with a code. Check the below documentation


Your selector of type into might contain the selectors of Main window (Attach browser or open browser). Remove that and check.

If app name or title is present in type into, remove that.

This is not an error, it’s a coding standard. You can always go to Analyser settings and change it.

Check the below thread to get it solved. The simple change is that change it from Error to Warning it will gone


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