"An Error Has Occurred" While Performing Any Data Manipulation Activity On The Website

What should be checked if error "An error has Occurred" is thrown, while performing any Data Manipulation Activity on the website Like Adding assets, Deleting Robots ?

Most likely the issue is with the Database being used. The database does not have enough space in either the main database (.mdf) or Log database (.ldf), causing the failures while performing any Transactions on the website.

To troubleshoot this:

  1. Connect to the Target database mentioned in the connection string of the web.config using SSMS.
  2. Execute stored procedure sp_helpdb, sp_spaceused to know the free space.

Example :

USE DatabaseName
sp_helpdb DatabaseName

USE DatabaseName

The above stored procedures will provide information if there is free space available for the website to perform any transactions. Any manual Insert, Delete, Update query on the database will also fail in such scenario.