Am unable to validate an an click activity

I’m working on a project but am unable to move forward due to an error caused with the click activity. Tried to solve in many ways but i failed. can we connect for a while and solve the issue /

what exactly you are doing ?

can you elaborate with screen shots?


unable to share ss. Can we cnnect via google meet ?

fine share the link


im waiting

PAN Emirates Home Furnishings

try upgrading or downgrading your UIAutomation package

you should get option for Hover able elements


How can I do it?

send invite for call


By the time you sent the invite i closed the system , so not able to join
if you are still facing issue for beds element

Use this selector

<html app='msedge.exe' url='*' />
<webctrl aaname='*Beds*' parentid='site-header__nav__1' tag='SPAN' />

Check the above selector and let me , if you still face any issue


Can we connect for a while now?

Please provide some informative screenshot.

Can we connect for 10min ?

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