Allocate multiples robots for each queue in ReFramework AND getting logs

Hello Everyone :slight_smile:
I am beginner in UIPath.

What I have :
Queue name :

  • A-queue
  • B-queue
  • C-queue

What I want :

  1. In orchestrator, allocate Robots for each queue.
    How to create multiples robots in community versions ?
    How to allocate each robots for each queue ?
    Robots 1 → Queue A
    Robots 2 → Queue B

  2. How to get logs for each robots ? (I need that logs file was generated and the robot copy in a specific folder)

Advance Thanks,

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Hey @MasterSinge

Just have a queue trigger in which you can choose your robot.

All the robot logs will be saved in orchestrator which can be filtered and viewed whenever required.


Thanks you very much @Nithinkrishna :slight_smile:

Can you correct me if I am wrong please ?

A. Trigger Name : Trigger_A
B. Associated queue name : a_queue
C. The robot used for the run : a_robot
D. The machine used for the run : machine_a_robot

I run the robot with this configurations.

When I see the view transactions of a_queue, in the colum Robot, I have - attended :frowning:
Why I haven’t a_robot - unattended instead of - attended ?

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Hey @MasterSinge

I hope you are choosing an Un-Attended robot


What I have :

  • - attented, unattended - Local user
  • a_robot - unattented - robot
  • b_robot - unattented - robot
  • c_robot - unattented - robot

What I have done :
For each queue, I allocate robots for each queue name in queue trigger :

  • a_queue to a_robot
  • b_queue to b_robot
  • c_queue to c_robot

What the robot run :
When I see the view transactions of a_queue, in the colum Robot, I have - attended :frowning:

Can you help me why the robot run in attented mode and not allocate robots for each queue ?

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Hey @MasterSinge

Try disabling attended robot license.

Other point is, how did you connect your bot interactive sign in or machine key ?


Thanks @Nithinkrishna for your answer !

I use machine key of : to connect my robot.
When I desactivate attended robot license on
And try to connect via UiPath Assistant my account : It’s say to me they say : " no robot configured for the current user"

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Hey @MasterSinge

Could you please show me the screenshot on what you are saying exactly.


Here my robots (I desactivate the attented one for :

I have an error when I try to connect via UIPathStudio :
This serveur doesn’t have available licence

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Okay, so you have allocated an un-attended license to your machine when you created it ?

If not please assign !

Thanks @Nithinkrishna !!

It’s work great !
The problem that I have is when I look into the history of :

I create Trigger for each queue with the right robot and queue :frowning:

1) How to allocate the right robot for each queue ?
2) The process run for the queue-a, then queue-b then queue-c, is it possible to run all the queue at the same time (because we have robots allocate for each queue) ?

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@MasterSinge The queue trigger runs with the robot associated with the selected process. That means whatever the environment has configured during creating process, in that environment which robot has configured that specific robot will take care of executing items in the queue

Also, yes the multiple queue triggers can trigger at once

Hey @MasterSinge

Yes it runs parallel y you just set the trigger by mentioning that’s it


Thanks a lot @Nithinkrishna and @ushu for your anwsers.

I configured queue Trigger for each Robot :

  • aQueue for aRobot
  • bQueue for bRobot
  • cQueue for cRobot

But when I run the process, it does’t work :frowning:

I have only one robot who is running all the process but all the other jobs are in pending.
Can you help me to achieve allocating robots for each queue ?

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Hey @MasterSinge

Could you please show the robots ?


Hello @Nithinkrishna !

Here my robots :

Here my roles :

Here my queue Triggers :

@MasterSinge Here robots are nothing but machines. How many machines you have configured in Orchestrator. Did you configure 3 machines?

Hello @ushu !

Thanks for your anwser.
@Nithinkrishna helps me, and the problem is I have a licence for ONE robot and not 3 robots.
That’s why, it doesn’t work for me :slight_smile:
Once the licenses increased, my problem will be resolved.

Do I create machine for using Robots in queue Trigger ?

@MasterSinge Do I create machine for using Robots in queue Trigger ? - Not needed. It looks you have already configured the machine and hence it is working. Also, the robot licenses are consumed by configuring different machines to the Orchestrator

Ex: Lets take currently you have configured your machine to Orchestrator and you can able to use it since you have only one robot license. If you have two robot licenses that mean you can configure other machine along with the previous one. This way we can consume robot licenses.

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