|cut -d "=" -f 2`

You can see the video of the steps and Xaml file
Main.xaml (6.5 KB)

Hi Mukesh this is working fine with VB.Windows legacy

But i am using c Windows legacy.Can you please use c Legacy for below code

cmcli disp grep -w uniqueid /tspinst/scripts/|cut -d "=" -f 2

In Error it shows you are missing; pls add them at the end ;

use the same in assign Activity it will solve the issue,

"cmcli disp grep -w uniqueid /tspinst/scripts/|cut -d \"=\" -f 2";


Thankyou Mukesh. Its working fine

Hi @rakeshcm456 - if it is working fine kindly mark it as solution will help the other people as well.


@rakeshcm456 pls mark as solution

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cmcli INS" str_finalresult “ims/cscf/scscf System.SPSConfigTable” Str_ExcelOutput “NetworkIdentifier= EventTrigger=E2 Direction=EGRESS SessionSide=BOTH TriggerPoint=”004030[.Forbidden - 41.]0CSeq[.register.]" ServiceName=sip:mm@localhost;clist=register_resp_code_change ActualVersion=1 ApplicableRoleTypes=SCSCF’

Note:-str_finalresult and Str_ExcelOutput are variables. i want to set this into assign activity Means into another variables but its showing some error please give me some solution