AI Install Fails with: Sorry, user root is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/bash' as root.
Issue Description: AI Center installation fails with "Sorry, user is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/bash' as root".
Root Cause: During installation, the installer will try to execute commands using the sudo command. If the user executing the installation is not part of the sudo group, they will encounter this issue.
Diagnosing / Resolving:
- Typically this happens when the user running the script does not have sudo permissions
- Run the command: sudo -l -U
- This will display the sudo permissions for the given user
- Most likely the admin of the VM needs to be contacted to grant the user sudo rights. They will need to modify the sudoers file.
- If this happens when running as the root user, it means the root user does not have sudo rights
- In this case, first contact your admin to let them know the root user needs to execute sudo
- As a work around, the sudo references can be removed from the script. However, this will only work if the user running the script is root. If they are not root, removing the sudo references will just cause other failures
- To remove the sudo references, go to the installation directory and run the following command:
grep -rl "old_string" . | xargs sed -i 's/old_string/new_string/g'. Specifcally we did grep -rl "sudo" . | xargs sed -i 's/sudo//g'