"AI Computer Vision"-Activity not available in "Manage Packages"

Hi :wave:

i’m using the Studio Version 2019.4.4 (Enterprise Edition) and wanted to install the AI Computer Vision Package. I’m 100% sure, that i’ve already installed it about 2 weeks ago…but now it isn’t shown anymore. When i search in “Manage Packages”, it can’t even find that Package anymore :open_mouth:

These are my current installed Packages:

Thanks for the help! :+1:


Have you installed Computer Vision package for this process only ?

You can’t see packages in this process if you installed for other process.

Yah if we are opening a new project that will not be having the packages other than the default one where the AI Package is not a default one
So that could be the reason
Or if you are looking from a existing project then unless it been deleted it will be visible in manage packages buddy

Cheers @Mod0091

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@lakshman, @Palaniyappan thanks for the information. I didn’t know that (extra) packages are installed for each project. I did install the AI Computer Vision package in an other Project, but still why can’t i install it in the “new” project? I mean it should at least be available for installation. :thinking:

Any idea how i can install it for the new project?


usually when a new project is opened it will have only these default packages

apart from that whenever a new project is opened we need to install the package we need
hope this would help you

Cheers @Mod0091

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yep, i do understand that for every new project the default packeges are preinstalled and if one wants to install extra packages, one has to search via “Manage Packages” → “All Packages” for the desired package.

My problem right now is, that it can’t find the AI Computer Vision package

And i want this to be shown:

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Check below thread and follow the steps to install it.

AI Computer Vision is Now Available for Preview

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Kindly ensure that this nuget is there and is enabled if added or add its url to package source (downside)

once after adding then we would be able to find that in the Official tab
like this

Cheers @Mod0091


thanks @lakshman and @Palaniyappan. After enabling the “Official” package source, AI Computer Vision was shown. But now it shows me that there is a conflict with the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities

My current installed Version of that Package is 19.7.0. Does that mean, that AI Computer Vision doesn’t work with that Version?

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kindly try with this version

the package been searched is different
And UiPath.AI.ComputerVision.Activities v1.1.0 package only works when using Studio with UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities v19.6.0 or lower.
so downgrade the version of the package UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities and try once

you are almost done @Mod0091

Cheers @Mod0091

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i tried installing the AI Computer Vision Package in the Version 2.0.0 and it worked perfectly fine without donwgrading the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities Package to v19.6.0 or lower :smiley:

Thanks again :clap: & Cheers @Palaniyappan



Great. Happy automation :grinning:

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