Everytime I run a AI center project from UiPath Studio I am getting the following error.
“code”: “Forbidden”,
“message”: “ML Skill unavailable”,
“stacktrace”: null,
“trace_id”: “3f95e110-d8dd-4577-9f2c-243db1dafa63”,
“reason”: “”
Note: I have used both ROBOT and ENDPOINT for the ML skill activity. My UiPath Studio and cloud account are both connected to the same account and tenant.
Yes the skill is available in AI center
Can you please show some screeshots …if you need to use end point then you need to make the skill public…i hope you fid that
And when connecting using robot option are you able to see the skill in the dropdown?
Yes. I am making the skill public for using the endpoint and api key. And also I am using the dropdown in the ML skill activity to select the Connection Mode.
just to make sure can you enable auto update as well and check
and without endpoiunt also are u getting same error
I recently had a similar issue in one process, we were using the cross platform document understanding activities, but we also got a message stating an API key is invalid (these ones dont use an API Key).
The fix for us was updating the package, and I wonder if it was an underlying issue with the UiPath.DocumentUnderstanding.ML.Activities as they are a sub dependency.
Can you share what version of that package you use? (or other package if its a custom ML skill thing).
Hello Jon,
I tried upgrading and downgrading the ML services package. But that did not work as well. My current version of MLServices package is 2.0.3 which is latest one.
I wonder if the root cause, for both our issues, was related to this sub dependencies?
Could you perhaps trying adding the UiPath.Platform and UiPath.Telemetry.Client also to your project but at a newer version to force a more up to date version to run?
I will try with auto update and check. Most probably I tried this as well.
I will try updating the sub dependencies and check. Cheers!