After table extraction and send through gamil

@Shubham_Bidwai “Timesheet Update of”+Now.Tostring(“MM/dd/yyyy”).Trim

Now try this!

plz check scrrenshot

@Shubham_Bidwai Pls Show ‘send Email’ Activity

HTML containt

u have to write in HTML format and At the end of the subject pls add “.Trim”.

in HTML format i dont have knowledge about HTML

Sry no need to change into HTML Format…Pls add “.trim” at the end of subject. Now try…If not working i need to see the .xaml file.


this error shown

Have u passed DT variable into table inside send email activity?

yes sir
sure after that this error shows

hi sir after all changes does not shows table header

Hi good morning sir still table header in gmail can not shown

@Shubham_Bidwai Pls try to use the 'write range" and read it again then delete the excel file. I hope it will help u.